First Appearance: Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Three (2014) #6 Chapter Six: Xanadu
Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Three (2014) #6: Swamp Thing appears during Madame Xanadu's prophecy, where she tells Batman and Constantine that "The Green will grow."
Swamp Thing is the Entity of the Green, with the ability to control plant life.
Constantine and Batman visit him in the middle of a swampy plain. When he sees Constantine, Swamp Thing tells him that he is wasting both their time as he won't find what he was looking for. Constantine ignores this, revealing that they are looking for his help to take down Superman's Regime. However Swamp Thing says that Superman and Lex Luthor are doing more to help the world , by harnessing solar power and stopping people from cutting down tress and burning them. Constantine tries to argue that humanity will be enslaved, but Swamp Thing just answers that humans aren't his "concern." Constantine points out that he was humn once, but Swamp Thing retorts with the answer of "so were you." The former says that he is trying to save the world, but Swamp Thing comments on that he is only trying to save one species and only has selfish motivations. Batman questions his alliegence, asking if he was going to join their side. Swamp Thing just replies that he won't and Batman takes his silence after the second question "will you join his?" as a sign that he already had. Constantine tells Swamp Thing that he doesn't want to be enemies and the feeling is mutual from his former allie. Constantine asks if he had knew that he had been figuring a method of destroying him, but Swamp Thing calls him a "bastard" and that is what he always does with those he works with. However he lets them go on that occasion and not harm them if they promise not to interfere and harm the Green. He threatens that if they cross him, they will learn to "fear every tree. Every blade of grass." He shows off his power over plant life as a warning that he is serious with his threat as they leave.
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